Category: Design talks

#2 Lindenmayer System drinking set


Lindenmayer system is algorithmic graphic way, how to describe plant growth and it’s development in time.

The mathematical formula of L systems is very simple, the primitive expression is used in loop in combination with some variables such as length of increment, angle of increment or number of loops.

The basic expression might look something like this:
p=0.10;0.18;0.28;0.30, X→X
n=12;10;8;6, X→F[+F+X]X[-X+F]// [+F-X]X[-X-F]F
δ=21;19;14;8°, F→FF////

I used these patterns of artificial plants as sandblasted motive on my glass goblets and carrafe in the collection of drinking set.
Drinking set inspired by Lindenmayer’s systems, consist’s of tree types of goblets for different types of vine and two types of glasses for water and beer. In addition, there are jug for water or beer and carafe for wine. Whole set does use historical look with plant illustrations on it. This decoration looks to fit the historical period, but it’s sandblasted decors are based on the mathematical graphical algorithm of Lindenmayer’s systems, they are typically used for computer modeling of plants. This method of modeling works on the principle of fractals and it is possible to generate natural species as well as artificial ones.
The formulas and variables used for generating exactly these plants were sandblasted on the foot of each single glass. This was made, because these at the first sight poetic looking plants waving in the summer wind, can be surprisingly mathematically described by simple formula.

Microwave plasma lighting

This experimental pendant lighting uses microwave source of energy for its work. Whole unit is precisely designed to fit needs of its technological background, especially it´s proportions came from mathematically calculated shape of waveguide for distribution of energy from the source in to the light bulb. This test unit is made from an old microwave´s electronics and my self, custom made steel sceleton and the rest.

This experimental pendant lighting uses microwave source of energy for its work. Whole unit is precisely designed to fit needs of its technological background, especially it´s proportions came from mathematically
calculated shape of waveguide for distribution of energy from the source in to the light bulb. This test unit is made from an old microwave´s electronics and my self, custom made steel sceleton and the rest.
The technology it self is not my invention, but I had to re-developed it my self, because it is very expensive and not easy to get. It was a hard task, to make it work, took about one year of test and work until I made it work.
On the other hand, it gave me more space for my own design and I had to study hard to deeply understand whole concept of energy transformation.
It was exhibited on the occasion of the Glass studio collaborative exhibition in the gallery for contemporary art DOX Prague, 2011.




Toto experimentální závěsné vítidlo využívá pro svůj provoz mikrovlnnou energii a přemněňuje ji na viditelné světlo. Celá koncepce tvarosloví i proporcí vychází z propočítaného tvaru vlnovodu pro distribuci mikrovln.
Tento prototyp byl postaven z mikrovlnné toruby o příkonu 750W. Jedná se o velice efektivní a výkonný zdroj, jehož světlo je vyzařováno jako spojité spektrum, je tedy velice podobné slunečnímu.
Princip této technologie byl znám, já jsem ji kvůli nákladnosti a nedostupnosti, pouze reverzním inženýrstvím sestrojil a aplikoval na něj svůj design, který vzešel z funkčních aspektů a hlubokému porozumění celé technologii.
Toto svítidlo bylo vytvořeno jako koncept pro skupinovou výstavu atelieru Sklo na UMPRUM ku příležitosti výstavy v galerii současného umění, DOX Prague v roce 2011.


Archimeidon, 2013

Archimeidon is the long therm project, which is based at my self developed unique technique, of spun melted glass.
It use centrifugal and gravity forces for it´s shaping in to the shape of parabola when it is in the state of liquid and than it is rapidly cooled in to the solid state glass.
Glass is spinned at the temperature of 950°C in the machined silica-plaster mold. By this setup, I´m able to capture perfect inner parabolic shape, that the glass does it self, just with my assistance of the speed control. Off-course I´m still facing a lot of technological problems, but in general it works great.
Contemporary I´m debuging process of machining molds, melting and cooling of the glass and working at the next step, which is exact cutting and mechanical polishing the rest of the surface, before the procedure of vacuum aluminium and silica deposition.

That process is really similar to cutting and polishing of the telescope mirrors used for astronomy, it is also the field where my interests guided me,
and I found it very helpful in my research.

The whole concept is mentioned as a small scale production of hi-tech glass design interior objects, such as centrepiece.

By the way, I won a rector prize for a year 2012, with this project at my university and it was exhibited at Salone del Mobile, Milan 2013.



These prizes are based on the lens properties of the optic glass sphere, it´s proportions came out from the focal length of the sphere as well. The circular stainless steel metal ribs that are surrounding the sphere in 3 axes have edges exactly in the focal length, which is 1/4 of the diameter of the sphere. In this case it is 2cm for 8 cm sphere diameter and it is the same proportion used for annulus of the rib. This structure is necessary to prevent spontaneous ignition of the flamable material caused by sun. This design came out from the use of this phenomena in  the meteorological equipment called heliograph, which records sun shine activity during the day on a heat sensitive stripe.

Platonic solids

Platonic solids is the therm well known for a set of 5 regular polyhedras, which are known since ancient Greek period. They have some interesting properties such as duality between pairs of them, and they belong in to the basic knowledge of space division. Regular polyhedra is made only from one type of polygon, and this works just for triangle, square and pentagon, for the other, it is impossible in 3D space. There are other interesting supplements for this topic in 4D.

In my case first I studied their properties, than I decided which I´m going to use for my purpose. I chose dodecahedron and icosahedron, one inside the other, because of their volume closest to the volume of sphere at given diameter, because of their significant play of thickness between their surfaces. I used them as turncated at exact level to be hollow like a bowl or vase.



Platonic solids brochure PDF.